Greetings All:


   I want to apologize for the long delay of any updates, but as we all know COVID-19 has put us all in a world of crazy.




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Dedicated to the safe and efficient transportation of Maryland's most precious cargo.

The Maryland School Bus Contractors Association (MSBCA) was formed in 1949. Today, MSBCA comprises 456 School Bus Contractor Members, representing 3000 school buses in 19 of Maryland 's 24 jurisdictions. We are assisted by our 34 Industry Members from across the State and country. As an organization, we promote the efficient and safe transportation of school students. Our foremost objective is to provide the safest transportation possible to the students of Maryland and we strive to improve the quality of student transportation every day.

Clean Fuels Incentive Program (CFIP)

Published Oct 20, 2022

The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) is pleased to announce that the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) Clean Fuels Incentive Program (CFIP) has opened and is now accepting applications. This program provides competitive grants for the purchase of new and converted alternative fuel fleet vehicles domiciled and operated in the state of Maryland.


Date: 02/08/2025
Where: Friendly Farms
            17434 Foreston Road
            Upperco, MD 21155
Time:  8:30am-9:00am - Continental Breakfast
           9:00am - 12:00pm - Meeting
          12:00pm - Lunch - Chicken and Roast Beef with Sides
Cost: $40.00 per person
RSVP: Ron Prettyman -